
Three Common Causes of Baldness

Three Common Causes of Baldness

  • Thursday, 25 February 2021
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Three Common Causes of Baldness

Baldness typically refers to excess hair loss in the scalp. However, some people like to conceal their hair fall and allow it to run its natural course unnoticed. Others will cover it up with hats, makeup, hairstyles or scarves. And then there are those who go the other way - they strive to restore or increase growth or even reverse it altogether.

The good news is that many medical conditions can lead to baldness. Some examples of these include thyroid problems, Lupus, diabetes, chronic infections, anesthesia and radiation therapy for cancer treatment. For some people, however, their baldness is caused by a combination of genetic factors, external factors and medical conditions. In this case, it is often necessary to treat all of these contributing factors to address the problem of hair loss.

Baldness is most common among men and is also more common in younger men than in older women. In fact, male pattern baldness, which refers to the loss of all hair on the top of the head, is the most common type of baldness. Androgenetic alopecia, the medical term for male baldness, is also common in women.

Baldness can be caused by a few different factors. They include heredity, factors that affect testosterone levels, topical treatments that block DHT and the various treatments used to reverse the effects of aging. Those factors can be prevented or treated to slow or stop the onset of baldness. Some examples of preventers are: maintaining proper care of the scalp, avoiding mechanical tools that pull the hair, using thermal protective shampoo treatments and avoiding chemical treatments such as tanning accelerators, hair dyes and other colorants.

Female-pattern baldness is caused by hormonal changes. Testosterone production goes through a rapid change during the menstrual cycle. During this time, the scalp becomes extremely dry and is exposed to fungus and bacteria. This results in hair loss. Treatments for female-pattern baldness involve hormone therapy, preventing the build up of oil on the scalp and taking vitamins that support the scalp's health.

The third common cause of baldness is genetics. It is not uncommon for baldness to run in families. Baldness can also be passed down through several generations. Although rare, it is possible to have genetic baldness. Identifying the cause of male and female-pattern baldness can help to provide treatment options. If you do suspect you have a family history of baldness, you should contact your doctor.

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